In the Illasi Valley, autumn tastes like "bogoni", the typical snails raised for centuries in the village of Badia Calavena. The first documents that testify to the sale of snails in livestock fairs date back to 1160, according to a tradition borrowed from the early Cimbri people who settled in these areas.
If you are a lover of snail-based dishes, you can't miss the opportunity to visit Badia Calavena, just 30 kilometers from the city of Verona. Summer is the period for the bogoni harvest and in autumn the time comes to taste them in traditional dishes, which you can find in local restaurants. Snails are important in these parts: when you arrive in the hamlet of Sant’Andrea you will even find a monument dedicated to them!
At the table you will have a wide choice: from the traditional bogoni-based condiment that is served together with polenta, to bigoli, fried in small balls of batter, or as an accompaniment to ravioli. In a lunch in Badia Calavena you can also taste the Lessinia truffle, which goes well with dishes based on snails with its flavor!
It is not necessary to go to France to try the flavor of the "escargot": exit at the Verona Est junction of the A4 Brescia Padova motorway and in just under half an hour, via the provincial road 10, you will have arrived at your destination. Are you ready for a new food tour?
A land to discover:
Food and wine: The bogoni on polenta, bigoli and even fried.
History: A tradition that has already been confirmed in the Cimbrian period and in the Middle Ages.
Territory: The Clean and Renewable Energy Park and the ancient Maffei Abbey.
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