A week dedicated to road safety

United Nations and A4 Holding Autobspd: the international road safety week

Within the A4 Holding Group road safety has always been a priority: for those not yet familiar with the "Road Safety Week" project it is worth investigating!

The United Nations project, in which A4 Holding actively participates, wants to draw attention to the importance of guaranteeing a safe road in the face of very high numbers of victims and injured in road accidents, especially with regard to the most vulnerable sections of the population, such as school-age children.

As part of the last edition of the project, "Fifth United Nations Global Road Safety Week" scheduled from 6 to 12 May 2019, there are several initiatives presented to involve boys and girls and those who are committed to road safety.

As far as the United Nations is concerned, with the action of the #speakuptosavelives campaign, the aim is to encourage the populations of the different countries of the world to highlight the road safety problems present in their territory in order to bring them to the attention of the stakeholders of reference to find concrete solutions.

On the other hand, A4 Holding Autobspd is proud to have presented several campaign: the children of the Aleardo Aleardi International School of Verona have elaborated their personal requests for safe mobility and their testimony will be collected by the Group on the portal UNGSW in the same campaign as #speakuptosavelive; the boys and girls of the Carnacina Institute in Valeggio sul Mincio, close to the license, have instead reflected on the importance of safe and responsible driving through the #usalatesta format.

Together with Verona Strada Sicura Association and representatives of the safe sector including SUEM 118, the Traffic Police, and the Fire Brigade, our Traffic Assistants students compared themselves to investigate all aspects of these calls.

What will be the next year's projects?